Regulation in BC
The CDABC is not a regulatory body. Certified Dental Assistants in BC are regulated by the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP). The College is established under the provincial Health Professions Act and is responsible for overseeing all regulatory issues related to the dental profession in BC, including:
- Patient safety
- Scope of practice
- Training standards
- Certification standards
- Registration and certification
- Continuing education credits.
CDABC's policy is to work constructively and co-operatively with the College of Oral Health Professionals to provide feedback and advice from our members. CDABC's mandate also includes providing advice to our members regarding the interpretation of regulations set by the College of Oral Health Professionals.
As a member service organisation that does not have regulatory authority, CDABC has a role as a useful communications conduit between regulated professionals and the regulator, especially in matters where individual CDAs may face conflicts of interest arising from the fact dentists not only employ--but also regulate--certified dental assistants in British Columbia.
British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals,
Suite 500 - 1765 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver BC, V6J 5C6
1.800.663.9169 (within BC)